What clients say

Shifted a great feeling of guilt

My Family Constellations session with Mirjam shifted a great feeling of guilt I had every time I asked for help from people.  Before the session I felt it very hard to ask for help, and would take on too much of the responsibility around the house. After my session something changed, I now find it easier to ask for help and accept the help when it is offered. I look forward to doing more of this work with Mirjam. I highly recommend her.


Insightful and revealing

The family constellation session with Mirjam was very insightful and revealing. I felt held and gently guided during the whole session. Her sensitivity opened the space to also feel comfortable in tapping into difficult emotional states and situations. Thank you, Mirjam, you do great work in facilitating healing ancestral lineage.

Helped me say farewell to my mother 

Mirjam supported me in the period when my mother was terminally ill, and I realized I was going to have to let her go and say farewell. We did two family constellations, one in a group and one private, during and after which I got valuable insights regarding the relationship between my mother and me, our family history and the wounds that needed to be healed. She also recommended a book that turned out to be spot-on for me. All in all, her support turned out to be invaluable, and helped me to say farewell to my mother without resentment and with gratitude and peace in my heart.
Mirjam is passionate in her work. I specifically value her extraordinary empathy, insight and patience. Thank you Mirjam!

Sabine de Potter, Mindfulness Trainer @ Rainbow Mind

Big shift to connection

“After just one session I could feel a big shift in how I felt about my husband. Now I feel more connected and back working as a team. It was such a deep process and has made a huge difference. I highly recommend Mirjam.”

Tools to believe in who I am

Dear Mirjam,
Thank for being on my side the last four year, without your help and healing sessions, I would not be the woman I am today. You gave me the tools, to believe in who I am, stand for my believes, and that at the end everything will be fine. Tapping sessions to overcome panic attacks. Discovering blockades, I didn’t know they were in the way to live my life completely. Healing sessions to give me the energy I need to go forwards. We are not yet at the end, but step by step you help me to find the real me again. I feel so grateful that you came on my way to happiness.
Karen, mum of two, in love and feeling happy

Surprised at how much I learned about myself

Thank you so much for our beautiful session. You created a space where I was completely comfortable opening up. I felt so centered and grounded after. And I was surprised at how much I learned about myself as you guided our conversation. I have been so grateful for the experience.

New way of thinking about myself

Before my session with Mirjam, I felt light and good and positive, or so I thought! A session allows me to find the obstacles that lie in my path by allowing my hidden emotions to come forward and be there without overwhelming me. Just when I’m in the thick of it, Mirjam gently guides me to the surface and helps me find a new way of thinking about myself with courage and confidence.

And then….. the best part!!! I’m not just shoved back into society like a naked chicken, but my body is then invited to rest and my new energy and affirmation is integrated with a healing session. It feels so full and so right. In one session I go through emotional, mental and physical healing. When I left the session, I felt even lighter than before. Thank you Mirjam. I look forward to working more with you ❤️❤️❤️”

Your coaching is wrapped in lightness and joy.

Thank you dear Mirjam for this wonderful treatment. I am enthusiastic about the beneficial effect your guidance has on me. You have strengthened me wonderfully with your body energy treatment. Your coaching is wrapped in lightness and joy. Yes exactly! This is “the scent” of your strengthening energy in which you work and which did nourish me on so many different levels. I also appreciate your empathetic and calm manner. I felt that I was in good hands, understood and taken seriously. It just did magically good – thank you very much again! Miriam

Deep connection with myself

Dear Mirjam, thank you for the wonderful session this week. It has brought me to a deep connection with myself, and recognition of many aspects reflecting my life. For which I am very grateful. You are very kind and loving and I find your work and touch very healing! It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to working with you! Love, Petra

Get to the root of the issue

Before I went to Mirjam I knew that there was a growing distance between me and my husband. We have been together for 19 years and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, I just knew if I didn’t do something this distance could grow wider.

I was amazed at the speed of how this could change within just one session! Mirjam used a combination of coaching and energy work to get to where the root of the issue really was, and it was not what I had thought at all. By addressing this it has enabled me to feel connected again at a deep level which I haven’t felt for some time, this has also created a new energy in our physical relationship. I am so happy that I went to see Mirjam as working with her quickly changed so much within me. I am looking forward to working more with her in the future.

recognize new ways for the future with more flexibility

Dear Mirjam
What a relieving feeling! When I came out of your coaching yesterday, I was very relaxed and free. Where I previously felt blocked and felt tight, your company helped me to dissolve this rigidity. It became softer in me and so I was able to recognize new ways for the future together with you, with more flexibility.
You worked on physical level as well as on the level of my other aspects of existence. With this holistic treatment, various physical and mental issues could be gently solved for me. You accompanied me very carefully on this journey and gave me valuable insights. Thank you for your wonderful support and help to re-center myself with my powers. I have become clearer about my current situation in many ways and now have new perspectives to tackle the upcoming challenges more successfully. I was most enthusiastic about your meridian treatment. In the end, it was the crowning glory and filled me with fresh energy. Many thanks for that too. I can only recommend your work to everyone! – Peter

Truly Transformational

Thank you for a truly transformational session yesterday dear Mirjiam! I loved your approach in helping me to discover obstacles that might be in the way of living my life fully. I feel like I am still integrating what we discovered together … and you know what? I was super energized after your energy healing, yaaay!😍🙏🏻❤️ Gabriela

the chance to heal wounds

Dear Mirjam
First of all, I would like to thank you for this comprehensive treatment that was previously unknown to me.
For me, the reason for this session with Mirjam was to be free from physical stress, mental impairments and to be independent of what is still limiting me at the moment.
Until then I hadn’t worked with the inner child, but I was curious and open. With your company I was able to take a closer look at both positive and negative experiences in my life. In this way I was able to encounter the associated feelings and the resulting beliefs. This work with you helped me to get to know myself from a new perspective and to bring experiences to light, to look at them, process them and let them go. Your empathetic coaching and this work with my inner child gave me the chance to heal wounds. Thanks for this support.
I received important impulses from you and after this coaching I felt light and extremely good!
thank you very much