How can trauma from our grandparents influence our behavior today?
As you probably know, I have been working a lot with family constellations for a few years now. It crossed my path years ago. I am now a certified family constellator and have experienced and seen how deeply this work…
Are we the weaker Sex?
Let me get straight to the point and answer that question. No. And yet we have been told so for centuries. Beliefs that we are less important and less capable are therefore still deeply rooted in our DNA. Consequently, being…
What are Family Constellations?
Years ago I joined a family constellations session. I didn’t have a clue what it was about. My plan was to sit in the back and just witness the event. But before I knew it, I was in the center…
Zeit für eine pause
Sorgen Sie sich viel? Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, eine Entscheidung zu treffen? Oder bist du leicht abgelenkt? In jedem Fall ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Sie die meiste Zeit in Ihrem Kopf sind. In Ihrem Kopf zu sein ist gut, wenn…