How can trauma from our grandparents influence our behavior today?
As you probably know, I have been working a lot with family constellations for a few years now. It crossed my path years ago. I am now a certified family constellator and have experienced and seen how deeply this work can affect you and how quickly and effectively it is to take major steps in your process. I find it extraordinary that we are influenced every day by intense events in the lives of our grandfathers and grandmothers. In recent weeks I heard about a study done on mice. The mice were continuously exposed to the scent of blueberries and at the same time received a shock. The smell of…
Are we the weaker Sex?
Let me get straight to the point and answer that question. No. And yet we have been told so for centuries. Beliefs that we are less important and less capable are therefore still deeply rooted in our DNA. Consequently, being…
What are Family Constellations?
Years ago I joined a family constellations session. I didn’t have a clue what it was about. My plan was to sit in the back and just witness the event. But before I knew it, I was in the center…
What a cup of coffee can do…
It’s summer vacation and in an effort to get our teenage daughter off her phone for a few hours, I asked her last week if she wanted to go shopping. She did, so later that afternoon we were at Starbucks.…
Parent vs kids: Who has learned the most this year?
End of Schoolyear Reflections Just a few more days and then this school year will be over. The end of a weird school year, with mouth caps, no social activities after school, no camp. But also, a year in which…
Lovingly speak your truth
It sounds peaceful: ‘lovingly speak your truth’. It sounds like something I want to start doing from now on and forever. But what is it really and what makes it challenging? Connect easier Speaking your truth is not easy but…
Wenn Hunger nicht das Problem ist, ist Essen nicht die Antwort.
(Zitat: Geneen Roth) In meinen Gedanken gehe ich die Sitzung von heute Morgen durch. Meine Klientin erzählte mir, dass sie regelmäßig Essattacken hat. Sie isst nur, weil sie essen will. Nicht weil sie hungrig ist. Nicht weil sie sich wirklich…
Zeit für eine pause
Sorgen Sie sich viel? Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten, eine Entscheidung zu treffen? Oder bist du leicht abgelenkt? In jedem Fall ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Sie die meiste Zeit in Ihrem Kopf sind. In Ihrem Kopf zu sein ist gut, wenn…
Mirjam supported me in the period when my mother was terminally ill, and I realized I was going to have to let her go and say farewell. We did two family constellations, one in a group and one private, during…
«Before I went to Mirjam I knew that there was a growing distance between me and my husband. We have been together for 19 years and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, I just knew if I…
Before my session with Mirjam, I felt light and good and positive, or so I thought! A session allows me to find the obstacles that lie in my path by allowing my hidden emotions to come forward and be there…